Welcome to my Gallery

I am a jeweller/metalsmith and enameller designing and making individual hand-crafted pieces for clients, exhibitions, galleries, and other outlets from my studio in the Gold Coast, Queensland. I work mainly in silver and gold, but in the later stages of my career I have concentrated on my passion for enamelling on fine silver and other metals. Most of the enamel pieces I have produced are wearable art, but I have also produced larger enamel art pieces meant for hanging.
The Gallery here contains a record of some of my work over the years; work that has been acquired, sold, or that remains in my personal collection. The Store contains a collection of items that are still available for purchase.
In all of my work, each piece is a one-off, and many are designed for exhibitions; none are part of a production 'line' although a number are part of an exhibition theme. Hence, within the Store, when a piece is sold it cannot be replaced by another item from the same 'line'.
The Gallery here contains a record of some of my work over the years; work that has been acquired, sold, or that remains in my personal collection. The Store contains a collection of items that are still available for purchase.
In all of my work, each piece is a one-off, and many are designed for exhibitions; none are part of a production 'line' although a number are part of an exhibition theme. Hence, within the Store, when a piece is sold it cannot be replaced by another item from the same 'line'.